Company News

Your unbiased lens into the talent market's evolution. Discover why shifts are occurring, their significance, and how to navigate the changing landscape of total talent.


    Building a Better Business

    Next month sees the launch of something very exciting for RedWizard – our new website. It’s been a long time coming and to say that we’re excited would be an understatement.

    Jools Barrow-Read



    Less workplace more workspace

    The country might’ve have gone back to the pubs last weekend, but the question of when it’ll go back to the workplace is yet to be fully resolved.

    Laura Handley

    Strategic Operations Director


    Reflect, renew and recommit

    Traditionally, January is a dull and painful month, full of post-Christmas comedowns, bad weather and fears for the oncoming year

    Jools Barrow-Read



    We found our flex

    At RedWizard, we’re not just a team, we’re a strong community of remote and flexible workers. And we believe flexible working should be a basic human right.

    Jools Barrow-Read



    Change management (part one): An outsider’s perspective

    A meeting is called, all staff must attend with no exceptions. The invite is brief and gives little away. I begin to wonder why my manager never mentioned it—warning bells go off.

    Laura Handley

    Strategic Operations Director